Saturday, July 6, 2013

Side experiment update!

Oh boy, where to start. So the container I had for my side project was great… it locked, it was vented (perhaps not enough though), worms couldn't get out, etc...

However, I had put some food in the bin(bread and strawberry ends) and the food had molded. 

Apparently the mold had an adverse affect on the worms because the died about a week after the the food started to mold. 

I guess to prevent this from happening again in the future I will have to keep the food in the bin proportional to the worms eating abilities. With less than ten worms in the bin the ammount of food that can be consumed is very small. I am finding that the small scale tests that I am performing are delivering worse results than my large scale worm bin. 

With my large scale bin I am adding about a blender full of food scraps a week an the worms are keeping up. If any of the food starts to mold it isn't a problem because the worms eat the mold by the end of the wee. This leads meto believe that as the bin becomes larger the worms will not only thrive better, but the food will process faster, and the worms will reproduce faster. 

Having been burnt out on these small scale expirements I have decided to wait for a while before I start up again.

Thank you for sticking with me on this.  I will keep you posted in the weeks to come.

As always, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave it in the comment box below

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